Fortius Sport Health — Gym in Burnaby

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Fortius Sport Health

Gym at 3713 Kensington Ave, Burnaby, BC V5B 0A7, Canada, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5B 0A7 . Here you will find detailed information about Fortius Sport Health: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday
    6:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday
    6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday
    8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Sunday
    8:00 AM – 4:00 PM


Based on 10 reviews


British Columbia
3713 Kensington Ave, Burnaby, BC V5B 0A7, Canada, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5B 0A7
V5B 0A7

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About Fortius Sport Health

Fortius Sport Health is a Canadian Gym based in Burnaby, British Columbia. Fortius Sport Health is located at 3713 Kensington Ave, Burnaby, BC V5B 0A7, Canada,

Please contact Fortius Sport Health using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Fortius Sport Health opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Fortius Sport Health

  • Ashton
    Added 2016.07.29
    The recent increase in monthly fees to as you put “ better align with market rates “ becomes more frustrating when still charged full price for a gym that is only half open. Moreover on multiple occasions I have witnessed all 4 main racks be “booked” up and used for excecises that do not require a rack nor a platform, and can be done anywhere in the gym. Which leaves one wondering if that space needed to be booked at all?
  • Jaden
    Added 2016.07.15
    Great gym but , management is lacking. The steam room has been down for over a year, Which is unacceptable. They raised the rates on all members which is kind of crazy, usually you raise the rate but all existing members pay the same and all new members pay the new rate. When something is broken it stays broken for quite some time. The hours of the gym are not gym regular gym hours they close to early and don’t open early enough on weekends, seems like the hours are set for the actual employees and not members. This is a great gym and it has so much potential to be the best gym with minor adjustments. You pay your fees for all the gym so when the steam room is down for a year your getting ripped off, when they shut down the down stairs to take over only half of it your getting ripped off. Why can’t they move the classes and training camps in the actual full size gym they have ?
  • Dylan
    Added 2016.07.02
    I had a physio appointment with Kobi today and I am so glad I did. Even though I live 6 hours away and will not become a regular customer, she provided me with amazing care and is willing to pass on her assessment to my physio at home. She was able to describe my issues in a way that gave me hope to keep working on healing. So far the best physio experience I have had. Thw facility is great and reception very knowledgeable and friendly. Awesome team!
  • Sarah
    Added 2015.12.15
    The gym is very clean though, so that's a plus, but their policies with blocking all of the platforms for 3 children doing band assisted pushups is very unfair to paying members.
  • Sarah
    Added 2015.12.10
    They close down all the olympic platforms for 80%+ of the day to the public--that pays $60 a month to be there. When they are open to the public, it's normally for about 30 minutes, and then everyone gets kicked off again for the next group.
  • Jason
    Added 2015.11.15
    Overall with the recent rate raises and restrictions, it questions the value the Fortius gym has for its individual members who are loyal and consistent. Also the early hours on evenings and especially weekends closing at 4pm while the majority of gyms which charge lower rates and have much later closing times. Even if small changes are made, such as reserving 1 main rack/platform for the members, or staying open on weekends until 6pm, it would go a long way to bring peace of mind and satisfaction to all members young and old alike. I hope this feedback is highly considered as I have spoken with many members that share these mutal feelings and thoughts.
  • Daniel
    Added 2014.11.13
    The staff is nice, the place is clear, but it's very expensive, and can't use the main part of the gym most of the year.
  • Anthony
    Added 2014.11.13
    Jeremy Lin is doing rehab in this place. It is definitely a great choice for those people want to return to the sport.
  • Jacob
    Added 2014.03.01
    I am a longstanding member with Fortius and enjoy their facility and what they offer as a health center. However upon recent years it has become more and more poorly managed, especially in the gym. I understand that the Fortius gym generates most of its revenue from team/group training, but that doesnt mean that individual members be denied full access, as we pay our full monthly dues too. Day in and day out ALL of the team training is scheduled during peak hours, either before work 7am-9-am or after work 3pm-8pm, except for sundays but for some reason is only open to 4pm on weekends. For the individual members that work or go to school, these are the only times availiable, and when we CAN go, the restrictions force a many number of us to share a small amount of equipment ( racks, benches ).
  • Ian
    Added 2013.11.08
    If you're a oly lifter, this is a very unreliable place to train.
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